BE.BOP 2012- BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS was the first international screening program and transdisciplinary roundtable centered on Black European citizenship in connection to recent moving image and performative practices. It took place at The Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, a translocal theatre space which serves as point of arrival for artists from (post) migrant communities and beyond. A Project of Art Labour Archives in collaboration with Allianz Kulturstiftung and Ballhaus Naunynstrasse. Conceived and curated by Alanna Lockward.
Participants: José Manuel Barreto (England) / Manuela Boatca (Germany) / Artwell Cain(Holland) / Teresa María Díaz Nerio (Holland)/ Gabriele Dietze (Germany) / Simmi Dullay (South Africa) / Elvira Dyangani Ossé (Spain) /Jeannette Ehlers(Denmark) / Fatima El Tayeb (Germany) / Heide Fehrenbach (USA) / Quinsy Gario (Holland ) / Ylva Habel (Sweden) / Ulrike Hamann (Germany) / Grada Kilomba (Germany) / William Kentridge (South Africa) / Michael Küppers-Adebisi (Germany) / Rozena Maart (South Africa) / Tracey Moffatt (Australia) / Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter (Germany) / David Olusoga (England) / Minna Salami (England) / Robbie Shilliam (England) / Sumugan Sivanesan (Australia) / Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (Germany) /Robert A. Stemmle † / Emeka Udemba (Germany) Rolando Vázquez (Holland)
Partners: Center for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke University / DEFA Film Library / Digits Without Borders / Imagery Affairs / Goethe Institut / Goldsmiths University of London / Kwa-Zulu Natal Society of Arts / National Art Gallery of Namibia / Savvy Journal / Transational Decolonial Institute / The Bioscope Independent Cinema. Johannesburg / VideoArtWorld
Media Partners: AfricAvenir / AFROTAK TV cyberNomads / Exberliner / /